History Revisited

Roman long pilum, heavy javelin, 1st century B.C. AH3526N Roman long pilum, heavy javelin, 1st century B.C.

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This is a reproduction of the longest type of Roman "pilum", which was carried by the Roman legionnaires during their conquest of Europe and Britain up to Hadrian's wall.It was their principal weapon, and also the auxiliary troops carried similar spears. Our steel replica with its wooden shaft is in original size, 2.24 m (88") long and weighs 1.8 kgs (approx. 4 lbs.).

We receive it from our factory in one piece and it is too long for any shipping by parcel post.

We have therefore dismounted the iron top part, which is fastened by 3 screws, and it will be shipped dismounted (see bottom photos). When you assemble it again the screws and nuts have to be hammered down by you as they have to look like rivets, as screws were not yet used by the Romans.

Roman long pilum, heavy javelin, 1st century B.C.

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Subject:AH3526N Roman long pilum, heavy javelin, 1st century B.C.
